Galway sole traders can avail of interns under JobBridge scheme

Allowing sole traders to take on interns under the JobBridge National Internship Scheme will give “the maximum number of people the training and skills necessary to succeed in the workplace”.

This is the view of Labour Galway West TD Derek Nolan who says the extension of the scheme will allow people on Jobseeker’s Benefit to gain “vital experience in niche organisations” such as solicitor’s offices, hairdresser’s, etc, which are run by sole traders.

Under a recent amendment to this scheme, sole traders who already have one employee, or who work alone but do their PRSI and PAYE returns on a monthly basis, can participate in this popular internship scheme.

This means that, for example, a beautician who works alone or employs one person will be able to take on an intern who has fresh ideas and a passion for developing their career under this scheme.

“This person will gain vital skills and experience which will enhance his/her future career prospects, possibly be taken on as an employee after the internship has ended, or even enter into business on their own,” said Dep Nolan.

“Many people who recently lost their jobs want to focus on a new career choice and this may not be necessarily as an employee in a large organisation. Most offices in the legal, accounting, fitness, design, and beauty industries, for example operate as sole traders and it is a very positive move that this sector of the economy is now open to internships.”

Dep Nolan is urging people to apply to participate in this scheme. JobBridge, the new National Internship Scheme is administered by FÁS on behalf of the Department of Social Protection. A total of 5,000 places are available on the scheme, which is open to individuals who have been unemployed for more than three months.

Participating interns will receive an allowance of €50 per week, in addition to their social welfare entitlement, over the course of their six to nine month internship. For more information see Yesterday the Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton was in Galway at the second of four regional roadshows to promote JobBridge. She said that 1,470 individuals have begun their internships and there are a further 2,420 internship opportunities available on the JobBridge website.

“I am now calling on prospective interns to seriously consider participating in the JobBridge scheme,” she said. “There are internships available to individuals of all skill levels ranging from those who left school early to highly qualified graduates of third level. The beauty of JobBridge is that it can offer a diverse range of jobseekers an opportunity that will at the very least enhance their employability.”


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