More new jobs for city and county

Thirty four jobs are to be created in Galway by start-up companies and expanding businesses before the end of the year following an injection of Government funds into county and city enterprise boards.

The Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation has singled out Galway for the largest portion of the investment in the State’s 28 enterprise boards.

Of the €3.1 million granted to the boards, Galway will receive the highest proportion of the funding at €350,000, followed by Cork South and Dublin City with €250,000 each. The money will directly fund projects to create 34 jobs in the county in the next three months.

Fine Gael Galway West TD Brian Walsh has welcomed the announcement and said

it demonstrates

the Government’s commitment to the small business sector.

“This funding has been provided proportionately in response to demand from start-up companies in each area and it is hugely encouraging that the greatest demand from growing businesses is in Galway,” he said.

The funding has been sourced through savings made elsewhere in the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation and has been allocated to 28 Enterprise Boards nationwide.


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