Road closure in Newcastle

Newcastle Road will be closed to vehicular traffic wishing to access or cross the N6 at various times from next Tuesday to Saturday.

The road will be closed from 10am to 4pm and from 7pm to 7am as the junction at the end of the Quincenntenial Bridge is to be finished and resurfaced and this requires that no through traffic crosses over.

The Newcastle Road approaching the junction from both sides will be open to local traffic but through traffic will not be permitted (except emergency vehicles ). Alternative routes for traffic will be via signposted diversion routes.

Traffic approaching the junction from University Road must divert at the Newcastle Road/Old Seamus Quirke Road junction and travel via the Browne Roundabout. Traffic approaching the junction from the Moycullen Road must divert onto the Thomas Hynes Road at the junction adjacent to the Westwood Hotel and travel via the Browne Roundabout.


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