Dance your Sunday away

Step into those dancing shoes and spend your Sunday afternoons dancing the day away at the Tea Dance parties in the Claregalway Hotel.

Health Promotion Services at HSE West together with a number of voluntary groups have organised Sunday afternoon Tea Dance parties which begin this weekend, and will take place every subsequent Sunday from 4.30pm to 7pm until the end of March next year.

Speaking about the Tea Dance, Paul Gillen of the Health Promotion department at HSE West said: “Social dancing has become really popular in many parts of the country. For many it presents an opportunity to socialise or enjoy live music or indeed just to take time out to relax. The Claregalway Afternoon Tea Dances are entering their fifth season and the committee are looking forward to seeing all their friends again”.

Pat Griffith, Claregalway Active Retirement Association, explains: “This is a non-profit group of people who voluntarily give up their Sundays to provide people with an opportunity to meet, to socialise, and to have an enjoyable afternoon meeting new people in a friendly and relaxed environment especially those who are lonely. We encourage all those over 50 to come and give it a whirl.

One regular participant described the Tea Dance as an social dancing event which leads to a continued engagement with life, “holds the promise for successful ageing”, and which “alleviates loneliness and literally helps take away the aches and pains associated with ageing”.

Admission on the door is €7 with all proceeds going towards the running costs. Tea/coffee, and scones will be served during the afternoon. Coming attractions include: Cois Tine on September 25, Liam Naughton on October 2, Cahir Sound on Ocotober 9, and Hillside Duo on October 23.


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