Newly qualified teachers should use FÁS placement programme to complete training - Healy Eames

Fine Gael Galway West senator Fidelma Healy Eames, has recently received confirmation from the Department of Education that newly qualified teachers who are struggling to find school placements in order to complete their teacher training, can join the FÁS placement programme.

“Almost every day I receive calls and emails from teachers who can’t find placements in schools. And, with a growing number of newly qualified teachers signing onto the dole queue, I believe that the FÁS placement programme offers teachers a unique opportunity by providing them with up to nine months work experience enabling them to complete their training and receive their teaching qualification.

“I encourage all newly qualified teachers to avail of this programme as, with approximately 80 teachers applying for every one vacant teaching post, it is very difficult for them to complete their compulsory probationary period.

“I am also urging schools across the country to register with FÁS so that they can avail of the programme. While it should in no way be used as a method of displacing existing teaching posts or filling vacant jobs, it is a great opportunity for over-stretched schools to avail of additional resources to help alleviate pressure on class sizes and support the pupil-teacher ratio.

“This could be a particularly useful scheme for teachers who are close to retirement. By job-sharing with an intern, they can share the invaluable experience they have gained throughout their teaching career.”

Senator Healy Eames said: “I hope that this programme will alleviate some of the pressure on new teachers and on schools and I will continue to work with the Department of Education to introduce further solutions to the jobs crisis in teaching that we are currently facing.”


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