Menlo flood relief works almost complete — Crowe

Cllr Michael Crowe has this week welcomed the start of further flood relief works in Menlo. The works are expected to be completed in the next few weeks. Construction of the pipeline element of this project was completed during July.

“I witnessed the very difficult time that the local residents experienced over the years and particularly last year regarding the flooding, and it was important that these works were done before we enter this winter season,” Cllr Crowe said. “I met with and worked with residents from the area and I know from those discussions that they had a preferred route for the flood relief pipe. Although there were some reservations about this route, it was my view that their local knowledge should not be discarded lightly. I was glad to see that this was the route eventually chosen. I gave my word to the residents that it would be done and I am delighted this is the case. Menlo was one of the few areas in the city that has suffered as a result of flooding and it was a priority for me during my term as mayor to get it sorted.

“There are some minor outstanding works issues to be finalised in the next couple of weeks,” he added. “After that we have to install a pump, which is on order and is due for delivery from England in August. After delivery there will be a trial run exercise. All going well the works should be fully completed by the end of September.

“We had managed to secure funding of circa €125,000 from the Office of Public Works and I can confirm that the overall cost of the project will be within this budget allocation. It was never as important that works are kept within allocated budgets because if you go over budget in these times it creates much more difficulties.

“It is good to see that after the many decades that this problem is finally going to be sorted.”


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