Ó Clochartaigh disappointed at arts adjournment

Sen Trevor Ó Clochartaigh has expressed his disappointment this week that the Oireachtas has embarked on its summer break without a promised debate on the arts.

According to Sen Ó Clochartaigh the debate had been due to take place this week, but has been postponed until September.

“The Government parties took this decision, they say, to make way for other issues to be debated,” he said. “I expressed my dissatisfaction that once more the arts and culture have been put in the ha'penny place. The Seanad is only sitting for two days this week and I suggested that we sit again on Thursday to allow enough time for all issues but this call was ignored. The Leader of the House has, however, proposed to hold a debate on the arts when we return from recess on the first sitting day in the next session, which is September 14.”

Sen Ó Clochartaigh said he would like to talk to interested parties before the debate in order to get their views on the arts in Galway. “If there are any artists or arts groups who would like to meet me in the interim I would be delighted to do so.”


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