Work on Solas Picture Palace to recommence in October

Work on the Solas Picture Palace arthouse cinema on Lower Merchants Road is expected to recommence in October with the appointment of a new contractor.

Solas outlined its plans for the recommencement of work on the Picture Palace during a meeting with city councillors.

The matter of traffic management around the Solas site was raised by councillors who requested a temporary repositioning of the hoarding and reinstatement of the single traffic lane between now and the recommencement of works in October.

Solas is obliged to follow the appropriate public procurement procedures for these and all works connected to the site.

Speaking after the meeting Solas said it will take account of the concerns raised by councillors and will respond to them in detail as soon as possible. The group also reiterated that “funding remains secure for this public building”.

A spokesperson for the group said: “Solas greatly regrets the inconvenience caused to motorists and shares their frustrations at the delays. However, we believe the Picture Palace will augment the celebrated cultural life of Galway for many years to come.”


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