Fighting ageing

What can you do to slow down the signs of ageing? Advancements in science mean that looking at how the body ages could reveal natural alternatives which work alongside our own biological make-up.

One area that has shown exciting results is hyaluronic acid which is found in all adult connective tissue. Its production in our body decreases as we age, say experts. Hyaluronic Acid is water loving and the ability of the skin to retain water also declines with age. As a result, the skin becomes drier, thinner and less able to restore itself.

Solgar, the vitamin company, recently launched Hyaluronic Acid 120 mg tablets with biocell collagen II. BioCell Collagen II has been shown to suppress hyaluronidase, a key enzyme that may contribute to skin ageing while collagen is known to be an important component in reducing wrinkles. In addition, hyaluronic acid serves as a supporting structure in the extra cellular space throughout the body and is an especially important component of the joint matrix and promotes healthy joints.

* Solgar Hyaluronic Acid tablets costs £29.55 for 30 and are available from independent health food stores or online from To introduce this new product Solgar are giving away a Faith in Nature moisturiser worth £6.39 with every bottle.


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