Major upgrade on the way for Dangan to cathedral walking/cycling ‘Greenway’

The “Greenway” cycle and pedestrian route from NUI, Galway at Dangan to Galway Cathedral, via the Fisheries Field, is set for a major upgrade and renovation.

The upgrade has been made possible after it received Government funding of €250,000, along with matched funding from NUIG.

Although a busy walkway, the existing greenway from the NUIG grounds at Dangan to the underpass at the Quincenntenial Bridge, is narrow, poorly lit, and has poor connectivity to surrounding areas.

The funding will allow it to be upgraded to a 4m width to facilitate cyclists and pedestrians. Benches, refuse bins, signage, and SOS boxes will also have to be installed. The route will also maximise connectivity in the area, including to the proposed new bridge at the Fisheries Field, which is now out to tender, and the recent upgrades to the Canal Walk.

The news has been welcomed by Labour councillor Billy Cameron, for whom this has been a pet project over the last number of years.

“While gaining in popularity with walkers from all over the city as an alternative to a Salthill Promenade walk, the upgrade of the route will attract significantly more users in the future,” he said. “Upgrade of the route will serve the large student population travelling from Corrib Village to NUIG, users of NUIG Park and Ride and the strong residential catchment area.”


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