Which is the best? NUIG or GMIT

OVER THE next four months NUI, Galway and GMIT will battle it out in a series of contests for Head2Head 08/09, with the aim of winning the coveted title of Galway’s Best College!

Coordinated by the Student Union at each college, all funds raised by GMIT and NUIG through these nights will be donated to their respective Rag Week charities.

The events will take place in Central Park. They include the Head2Head Quiz on Monday November 10 at 9pm; the Real Model Student competition at 9pm on Monday 26 and in January; and the Head2Head fundraising battle in February.

Go to www.bebo.com/headtoheadG for full details and regular updates. Tickets are available through the Student Union office at each campus at €5 for the Head2Head Quiz.


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