Motorists and cyclists together in harmony

With motoring costs ever increasing, there has been a tremendous growth in the number of cyclists.

Getting back on to a bike after 10 years or so can be a nerve-racking experience. Irish Advanced Motorists offers these handy “Dos and Don’ts” for anyone dusting off an old bike and also for motorists, who must share the road with the growing number of cyclists of all abilities.

Car drivers….

•Do overtake with care, not too close and not too fast. Whizzing past cyclists within a foot of their handlebars may feel perfectly safe, but it doesn’t for the cyclist.

•Do leave cyclists enough wobble room when passing them – cyclists may have to move out slightly to negotiate drains, potholes, smashed glass, and other debris. They don’t want to be squeezed into the gutter.

•Do check the door mirror and the blind spot before opening the driver’s door after parking to avoid knocking down a cyclist.

•Don’t sound the horn when near them.

•Don’t cut up a cyclist passing on the nearside when turning left, and don’t overtake then turn left across their front wheel.


•Do establish eye contact (in a non-aggressive way ) with drivers emerging from junctions, particularly if they are turning right.

•Do position the bike to avoid being knocked off if a parked car door swings open.

•Do stop at red lights – this is a major irritation for drivers who see the law being flouted.

•Do undertake some cycle skill training.

•Don’t forget to check the bike lights, spare batteries, and wear a good high visibility jacket/vest. See and be seen.

•Don’t abuse the zebra crossing. When riding along the nearside of the carriageway, do not swing onto the zebra to cross the road - drivers won’t be expecting that, and the risk of being hit is greater.

The bottom line is that motorists and cyclists need to get together in harmony as failure to show consideration for each other will only bring grief, and in the worst instance, tragedy.


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