Revolutionary acne peels now available at Therapie

Acne is an inflammatory skin condition, which can be caused by a number of factors including stress and hormones, that evolves around hair follicles. Acne can affect all age groups.

Although there is no cure for the condition, Therapie Laser Clinic on Shop Street now has revolutionary technology and products to help you take control of acne.

Image Skincare, which has just arrived in Galway, is a cosmecuetical line therefore can penetrate to deeper layers of the skin. Image peels are a highly effective way of fighting acne, reducing inflammation, eliminating excess oil, and purifying the skin.

A consultation is advised where a skin consultant will assess your skin and customise the peel to suit each specific clients needs and concerns.

Peels range from €95.00 per session which includes a free home care post treatment kit. For details call 091 539 900 or drop into Therapie.


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