Cancellation of cancer procedures eroding confidence in public health system, claims FG senator

Patients’ confidence in the public health system is being eroded as further cancer procedures are being cancelled at University Hospital Galway due to bed shortages and staff cuts.

That is the opinion of Fine Gael senator Fidelma Healy Eames who claims the public healthcare system is close to “meltdown”.

“Last week I was contacted by a woman whose daughter had attempted to arrange an appointment for breast cancer post-operative care at UHG. She was told that all procedures were to be cancelled for that entire day (Tuesday October 12 ) due to a shortage of beds as a result of health cuts.

“Another constituent who contacted me told of a patient with spinal cancer who had surgery cancelled twice; the first time because there was no bed, the second time there was no staff.”

The Oranmore politician says the public health system is bearing the brunt of the worst of the cuts. Some staff are now seeking alternative employment in private hospitals due to better working conditions, she maintains.

“The public service embargo on recruitment now means staff who leave cannot be replaced. This has the knock-on effect of procedures having to be cancelled due to staff shortages with the result that highly-paid surgeons on public contracts are having to hang around with little or nothing to do. This is forcing our healthcare system to grind to a halt.”

She says already vulnerable patients are now exposed to the stress of having surgical procedures cancelled.

“This is eroding any confidence patients have in the system. Clarification of exactly what procedures have been cancelled at UHG, whether or not these cancellations pose a threat to patients’ health and safety, and how soon they can be rescheduled is urgently needed. Patients must also be informed as to what cancellations are expected coming down the line.

“UHG is under serious pressure - it is a cancer centre of excellence. Health is the first support a nation should provide for its people.

“The buck has been passed for too long. The Minister refuses to take responsibility for what’s going on.”


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