Mirabai Ceiba - a musical journey between cultures

LATIN AND Native American spirituality and music will combine with Indian mantras when Mirabai Ceiba play the Radisson Hotel tomorrow at 8pm.

Mirabai Ceiba is the musical project of Mexican vocalist/harpist Angelika Baumbach and German singer/guitarist Markus Sieber.

They perform original songs in Spanish and English, Gurmukhi Mantras, and newly arranged chants from different traditions around the world. The concert will appeal to those with an interest in music, mantra, or Kundalini yoga.

Tickets are €20 and from Charlie Byrne’s, Zhivago, or Sara at the Kundalini Yoga Centre, Sat Nam Centre, Dominick Street (085 - 7086431 ). Tickets are €25 at the door.


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