The Voice of Reason

A donkey’s revenge

Once upon a time a group of cowboys started digging wells on a very large farm. There was a lot of money to be made from digging wells even if after a while there was no need to dig any more wells. Many were badly dug wells and were simply dug to avail of the tax relief that was available to cowboys who dug wells.

One day some donkeys fell down into a well. They cried piteously for hours. The farmer decided that it just wasn't worth it to bother with some donkeys. They had served their purpose and the well needed to be covered up anyway before anyone found out the truth about why the well was dug in the first place. He really did not care about the donkey’s welfare. A donkey was just a means for the farmer to achieve his ends.

He invited all the other farmers to come over and help him. There were many different farmers, Farmers of destiny, green farmers and a few farmers without farms, independent farmers who were useful to the bigger farmers. None of them really cared about the donkeys’ welfare even though it was the donkeys that helped them get their farms in the first place. Their needs were all that was important and they were being well catered for. A little matter like a donkey could not interfere with their nice lives. So they tried to fill in the well on top of the donkeys.

At first, the donkeys realized what was happening and they cried horribly. They cried and cried and asked the farmers not to mistreat him any more. Then they eventually quietened down. They decided that enough was enough and that they had to solve this problem for themselves. They had finally realized that the farmers were only concerned about their own welfare. After a while the farmers finally looked down the well. They were astonished at what they saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit their backs the donkeys would shake it off and take a step up. Bit by bit they were getting themselves out of a bad situation in spite of what the farmers were trying to do to him.

As the farmer's continued to shovel dirt on top of the animals, they would shake it off and take another step up. Pretty soon the donkeys stepped up over the edge of the well. The donkeys learned from this experience and realized that that life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. They realized that they could get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up!

They now knew that they would never work for or give power again to those that do not care about their welfare. It had taken a long time but the donkeys finally realized that these farmers only ever cared about themselves. It would be crazy to give power to those that had so obviously contrived to keep them down so that they and their friends could enjoy more than their fair share of what the farm had to offer.

The donkeys had learnt one more lesson. Revenge is sweet! They went back to the farm and bit the farmers who had tried to bury them. The gash from the bite got infected and the farmer eventually died in agony from septic shock. Other farmers were unable to do anything for themselves because they had never done anything for themselves. They too starved. Pretty soon all the bad farmers were out of the equation and a new group of decent honorable farmers took their place.

This all happened because a donkey decided enough was enough. You see donkeys may be stupid but they too have a breaking point and when it comes the farmers better watch out. Because even the greediest, most corrupt, most incompetent farmer will eventually find out that when you do something wrong and try to cover it up it always come back to bite you. And it may turn out to be a very savage bite indeed!

You see the moral of this story is a simple one. If you have a responsibility for the welfare of others, covering your ass will eventually come back to bite you!


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