Jealous attacker warned to deal with anger issues

A man, who was so consumed with jealously that he assaulted a student who had been socialising with an ex, was warned to come up with more compensation and to sort out his anger and drink problems.

Derek Griffin (26 ) with an address at 50 Davis Road, Shantalla, appeared at Galway District Court on Monday where he pleaded guilty to assaulting a man causing him harm at Dominick Street on June 1, 2009.

The injured party told Judge Mary Fahy that as a result of the attack he had received a black eye as well as stitches to the back of his head. The NUI Galway student later said that he did not think it was necessary for the defendant to go to jail but that he would accept compensation.

Inspector Mick Coppinger informed the court that initially gardai thought that the injured party had been struck by a bottle. He added that the injured party had been “in the company of” the defendant’s ex-girlfriend and that there was “jealousy” involved in the attack.

Griffin’s solicitor said that his client, who is unemployed, has taken steps to deal with his aggression and is intending to undertake anger management counselling. He then added that €1,000 has been brought to court as an offer of compensation.

Inspector Coppinger then said that the defendant has five previous convictions, one for an assault causing harm offence in May 2009.

“The injured party need not feel guilty that this man is going to get a criminal conviction, he has five already,” said Judge Fahy.

The solicitor replied that since becoming unemployed Griffin has found that drink does not agree with him and that he realises it has become an issue.

Concerned with the defendant’s behaviour Judge Fahy ordered Griffin to pay a further €500 in compensation and to complete an anger management programme with the help of the Probation Services. The case was adjourned to October 11, 2010.


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