Green job opportunities for Galway

An innovative green energy jobs conference and open day, ‘Greener Homes and Business Generating Green Jobs,’will be held at the Oranmore Lodge Hotel on Friday May 28.

Fine Gael Spokesperson for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources Simon Coveney will be the keynote speaker and he will address the audience on the subject of ‘A New Energy Future - Transforming Ireland.’

More than 100,000 jobs nationally can be created by the reform of the semi-state sector in the areas of water, energy and broadband and this stimulus can throw a lifeline to Galway people who have lost their jobs or are struggling in business, says Job Creation Initiative Oranmore co-ordinator Senator Fidelma Healy-Eames.

The JCIO a non profit organisation which was founded by Senator Healy-Eames in collaboration with fellow Galwegians Geraldine Costello and Margaret Kearns to tackle local joblessness, and their innovative thinking is behind this green energy event which they say can help the entire community.

The free event will consist of a number of speakers and exhibitors who will provide assistance and advice to business and home owners, farmers and prospective entrepreneurs on how green issues can affect them and what funds may be available to help their home or business. It is anticipated that through the free event householders will learn about the changes they can make to live greener lives.

As a result of the Biofuels Obligation Scheme, farmers will learn about how growing biofuel crops can provide them with an additional source of income, and it is hoped the conference will provide examples of how recent college graduates who are qualified in areas such as construction, engineering and architecture can gain jobs through the green sector.

JCIO co-founder Senator Fidelma Healy-Eames believes this initiative can create jobs and offers multiple benefits to the wider community. “This is not a Green Party idea, this is a mainstream idea”, she says. The major themes that will be covered on the day include “Growing Green Opportunites: Business and Farming’, ‘The Greener Home’ and ‘Galway City: Going Green with Gluas.’ Any local business that has a renewable aspect to it would be welcome to contact us with a view to mounting a stand on the day.” Fellow JCIO founder Margaret Kearns says, “The more we can get the better, because people can then see what is available.” Stands can be purchased for €200 and all monies collected go towards the funding costs of JCIO.

Senator Healy-Eames says, “Green energy is a new and emerging sector in Ireland. The overall aim of this conference is to create awareness about the benefits of green energy for homes and businesses and as a result to stimulate jobs in the green sector. Having Simon Coveney as our key note speaker to talk about how green issues will change our lives in the future is a wonderful opportunity to look at the positives and possible new employment which we can work towards.”

Deputy Coveney who proposed creating 100,000 jobs by reform of the semi state sector developed the New Era policy, and his proposals on how these jobs can be created will be discussed in detail. Senator Healy-Eames says she is optimistic that the people of Galway will gain a clearer vision of the vast opportunities that are possible adding, “It is hoped that as a result of this conference, they will see jobs and business opportunities for themselves in the green sector.”

For further information or to register for the JCIO ‘Greener Homes and Business Generating Green Jobs’ Open Day phone 091768466 or log on to Job Creation Initiative Oranmore (JCIO ) can also be found on facebook.


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