Cregmore residents call for work on junction following crash

Parents and residents in Cregmore have called for a raft of measures to deal with traffic at Cregmore Cross following last week’s accident in which an articulated lorry careered into a parking area outside Cregmore National School.

At a meeting in the village this week, residents set out proposals for a new speed limit outside all national schools and have called for short- and long-term traffic calming measures at the crossroads.

Residents’ and parents’ groups in the area have come together to propose a ‘Cregmore crawl’, a 30kph exclusion zone outside all national schools which would see drivers penalised heavily for exceeding this speed limit at schools.

“Just because this has happened in Cregmore doesn’t mean it can’t happen in any other school,” a spokesperson for the Cregmore Residents’ Association said this week.

The Galway County Council has surveyed the road in recent days, and it is understood the local authority is preparing a scheme for the road under its Accident Reduction Measures scheme. Resurfacing work also took place on the road this week, but this work was already planned prior to the accident.

Cllr Malachy Noone has called for national funding for works on the road. It is understood his party colleague, Dep Frank Fahey, and Dep Noel Grealish gave their commitment to seek central funding for the road at this week’s meeting.

“The council will still do the survey and design it, but the bottom line is if the money is there it will be done a lot quicker,” Cllr Noone said. “Hopefully in the next few days we will see extra signage put in place.

“It was bad last week, but it was really a warning and a let-off,” he added. “The injury of a child is hard to take, but you could have had the deaths of 20 or 30 kids last week


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