Nutrition for children

An introductory three hour seminar on nutrition for children will be held at Atlantic College, Fairgreen, Galway, from 10am to 1pm on Sunday April 11. The seminar is open to anyone and may be of particular interest to parents and those in the childcare industry.

Topics covered include: How good digestion is related to nutrient absorption, a strong immune system and overall health; how balancing blood sugar levels helps with emotional control, energy levels, and attention; essential fats and their role in brain development and health; and why water is important for health, concentration, and focus in children.

This seminar is practical and specific child-friendly foods and meal ideas will be discussed. The event is organised by Lyn Jullien, a nutritional therapist based in Knocknacarra.

For more information visit, or email [email protected] to reserve a space.


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