Work to rule action is playing into Government’s hands warns McCormack

By refusing to deal with Opposition councillors, TDs, and senators in its work to rule action, SIPTU is playing into the hands of the Government and allowing it to “stand idly by” while “our public service grinds to a halt”.

This is the view of Fine Gael Galway West TD Pádraic McCormack, who has been informed by SIPTU and its Local Authority Professional Officers Branch that they are refusing to answer any representations from all councillors, TDs, and senators, both Government and Opposition, as part of their work to rule action.

LAPO, which represents all local authority professional officers including planners and engineers, is taking the action because “lower paid local authority staff have been subjected to severe cuts in their pay and allowances while higher paid workers have been protected by the Government”.

Dep McCormack said all sections of the public service are refusing to take representations, leading to Dáil questions not being answered and the HSE and other various bodies not replying to representations.

The Galway West TD said it is “very strange” SIPTU/LAPO are “refusing to deal with representations from the Opposition”, particularly Fine Gael, as FG opposed the reduction in salaries of public sector workers up to €30,000 and objected to the Government exempting higher paid public servant workers from the same cuts.

“This action by SIPTU/LAPO plays right into the hands of the Government who will be delighted the Opposition are not having their representations dealt with because this would show up the Government at all levels,” he said.

Dep McCormack went as far as to accuse SIPTU/LAPO of “actually supporting the actions of the Government who brought in the severe cuts to their members’ wages and allowances” by refusing to deal with Opposition TDs


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