New traffic lanes at Moneenageisha Junction to open this week

Two additional lanes are due to be opened from the Wellpark Road to the Moneenageisha Junction by the end of this week and it is hoped they will result in reduced journey times for motorists.

When the current roadworks are completed, the Wellpark Road will have two additional lanes, bringing to three the total number of lanes available to commuters travelling from the Wellpark Retail Centre exit to the Moneenageisha Junction.

The Galway Transportation Unit believes the two extra lanes will result in reduced journey times during busy periods.

“Work on this complicated road widening project was carried out extremely fast to ensure these additional lanes were available in the run up to the busy Christmas period,” said Joe Tansey, head of the GTU. “I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all stakeholders including members of the public, for their cooperation and support during these works.”

During 2010, the GTU’s programme of work will focus on a range of different projects, some of which will centre on achieving improved returns from the existing network.


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