Nearly 3,500 waiting for dole claims in Galway

Some 3,324 people in Galway are awaiting claims for Jobseeker’s Allowance and Benefit, with 58,282 claimants across the country.

Fine Gael senator, Fidelma Healy Heames says it is “extraordinary that there are almost 60,000 people waiting for jobseeker’s welfare across the country with close to 3,500 of them in Galway.”

“ It is a very difficult time for many people and claimants in need of help with processing their claim, or those who have a business idea they would like to pursue, should contact my office for support and assistance,” said Senator Healy Eames.

“Both Galway and Cork have particularly high numbers of pending claims with both cities having over 3,000 claimants waiting. Waiting times for a decision on welfare is up to 12 weeks in some parts of the country. This is ridiculous and it’s hard not to draw the conclusion that welfare decisions are being delayed to keep the welfare bill down.”

The Fine Gael senator says the Government appears to have no plans to spark job creation or tackle competitiveness, and is urging individuals with a business idea to contact Job Creation Initiative Oranmore (091 768466 ) to organise the necessary expertise, free of charge, to guide people in their endeavours.

“At a national level, I am urging Fianna Fáil to take Fine Gael’s policies on board. These were outlined in our NewERA strategy and highlight the need to invest in new infrastructure during financially tight times. The Fine Gael plan would reform semi-State companies and finance the construction of a modern new infrastructure in energy, water, sewage and IT that can be the basis for new economic growth, creating 100,000 jobs and positioning Ireland at the forefront of the energy revolution that is about to take place worldwide.”


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