Máire Geoghegan-Quinn a contender to be commissioner

With Paddy Power offering odds on Éamon Ó Cuív becoming Ceann Comhairle and Pádraic McCormack a dark horse possibility, it’s easy to forget another big political job could also be heading to a Galwegian.

Former Fianna Fáil Galway West TD Máire Geoghegan-Quinn is a possible contender for the job as Ireland’s next EU commissioner. While former president of the EU parliament Pat Cox is the favourite, followed by former MEP Eoin Ryan, MGQ should not be ruled out.

Her appointment, like that of Messrs Cox and Ryan would avoid a by-election and near certain defeat for the Government. She is already based in Brussels for the last 10 years at the European Court of Auditors and she is perceived to be close to Taoiseach Brian Cowen, stemming from their days as part of Albert Reynolds’ County & Western Alliance.

However, as well as Messrs Cox and Ryan she would also have to compete for the post with potential Fine Gael nominees John Bruton and Alan Dukes (although Mr Bruton might be happier to remain as EU Ambassador to Washington ). However MGQ is not be written off and we could see her as our next EU Commissioner.


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