Colga girls undone by double strike

Afer a hugely successful season, Colga FC’s u-14 girls missed out on the silverware when they fell to cup favourites Longford Town at the final hurdle.

Michelle Farrell struck twice for last year’s finalists to capture the FAI Umbro Women's u-14 Cup at Terryland Park.

Longford dominated the first half and created several chances before finally breaking the deadlock four minutes before halftime. Farrell ran on to a long ball over the top from Karen Delaney before sending it past the advancing goalkeeper The Longford striker then struck again when she goaled from the edge of the six-yard box from a corner.

Colga, however, never gave up. Longford were forced to defend in numbers as Colga, inspired by midfielders Keara Cormican and Leah Philips, tried to get back into the game. However they were unable to break through, and after a point blank save from Saoirse Burke, Longford were the deserving winners on the day.

Colga: Saoirse Burke; Mary Heavey, Jenny Linnane, Linda Corcoran, Alana Moran; Sinead Heavey, Keara Cormican, Leah Philips, Lisa Casserley; Ana Lane, Rachel Bannon. Subs: Eleanor Stafford for Rachel Bannon, Jenny Kinnane for Lisa Casserley.


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