Remand for man accused of city centre assault

A delivery driver accused of allegedly producing the handle of the car jack during the course of an assault has been refused bail and remanded in custody.

Chinese national Fei Cao (30 ) with an address given as 17 Rocklands Avenue, Ballybane, was brought in custody before Galway District Court last Tuesday charged with the alleged assualt of a man and with producing the handle of a car jack, in a manner likely to cause intimidation and which is capable of inflicting serious injury, during the course of the dispute which took place at Market Street on August 27, 2009.

In giving evidence of arrest, charge, and caution Sgt Ann Boland said that the defendant had been arrested at 9.15am on September 1 and brought to Galway Garda Station where he was charged with the offences. Inspector Mick Coppinger then made an application to have the defendant remanded in custody.

Through his interpreter the defendant told the court that he has been living in Ireland for the past seven years and worked as a delivery driver. Inspector Coppinger then explained that there were issues surrounding his employment and his status in the country. He objected to bail being granted on the grounds that there was already a deportation order in place for the defendant and that he was a flight risk.

Judge Mary Fahy granted legal aid and after a brief adjournment defence solicitor Olivia Traynor made an application for bail.

Inspector Coppinger explained that the deportation order had been in place since 2005 and that the defendant had failed to keep appointments to facilitate this.

Judge Fahy refused to grant bail and remanded the defendant in custody to appear again at Harristown District Court on September 4.


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