NUI Galway looking for businesses in need of marketing support

Co-ordinators of the Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Practice (DMP ) at NUI Galway have issued a call to businesses that might benefit from hosting a recently qualified marketing graduate.

Since 1981, NUI Galway has been successfully placing marketing graduates with companies around Ireland through the DMP. To participate in the postgraduate diploma, students must have completed a business degree during which they specialised in marketing.

To date, over 800 organisations have acted as hosts on the programme and each year over 90 per cent of graduates have been retained by their companies on completion of the diploma.

According to the DMP Programme Director, NUI Galway’s Ann Walsh, “The ongoing interest by companies is fuelled by the quality of our students, many of whom speak two or more languages. All DMP students go through a rigorous application procedure to secure a place on the programme”.

Through the DMP, marketing graduates spend 32 weeks of the 35-week programme with their host company who will provide a minimum weekly rate of payment. The placement is preceded by an intensive Induction Programme at the Cairnes School of Business & Economics at NUI Galway where graduates learn the practical skills necessary to become effective in the workplace.

Graduates also attend training workshops throughout the programme to enhance their practical marketing skills. “Everything from effective presentation skills to effective online marketing strategies is covered in the workshops and all assignments undertaken by the graduates relate specifically to their host companies,” explains Ann Walsh.

Assistance is given to the host company by NUI Galway in compiling a detailed job specification for the graduate and a shortlist of candidates for interview is provided that best matches the company’s needs. Ongoing advice and assistance is also available to both companies and graduates in the form of regular visits, review sessions, telephone and e-mail support.

For further information contact Ann Walsh on 091 492546.


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