Stay ahead in business with the Galway Business School

Galway Business School will hold an open day on Monday August 24 from 4pm at GCI House in Salthill where prospective students can learn all about the school’s excellent range of business courses, all of which are validated and accredited in Ireland and the UK.

Meet the experts, talk to the Galway Business School registrar Noirin Gillespie, and course directors, tutors, and teachers of Galway Business School, and meet fellow students while you peruse the excellent range of business degree and diploma courses including the much sought after ACCA preparation course and the BA honours in business administration.

At 4.30pm renowned Galway businessman John Daly, who founded and developed the highly successful John Daly Foods, will share his reasons for returning to education and choosing to undertake the BA honours in business administration with the Galway Business School. Now entering his final year of the programme Daly, like so many other successful business people, has chosen re-education to help him diversify and increase his business skills in an environment where a growing range of employment-focused full-time programmes provide wider access to lifelong learning and training opportunities in what has become a more challenging business and marketplace. Galway Business School offers a wide range of courses that do not appear on the CAO list, yet its tailored, practical, and high quality teaching approach to third level business programmes, combined with its validation and accreditation by the University of Wales, Institute of Commercial Management, ACCA, FETAC, and ECDL, ensures that your education is recognised throughout the world.

Monday’s open day will be launched at 4pm by renowned Galway hurlers the Canning brothers, who will also announce the winners of two highly valuable course prizes including an ACCA preparation course and the big prize of one year’s complimentary place on the three-year BA honours in business administration.

Galway Business School was founded in response to local and international demand for accessible, employment-focused programmes and works in co-operation with a number of validating bodies in Ireland and the UK, ensuring that all programmes are recognised nationally and internationally. As the west of Ireland’s only private third level college, the student is the focus of attention — the small class size and committed academic staff ensures that this is the case.

All details and syllabi on the growing range of employment-focused full-time programmes including an ACCA qualification, BA in business administration, diploma in business and marketing, diploma in e-business, diploma in HR management, diploma in PR and advertising, and diploma in business and law are available online at For more information on the open day, courses, entry requirements, fees, or schedules visit or call (091 ) 529000.


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