Child safety training event for childcare providers

The Road Safety Authority in conjunction with the Galway City and County Childcare Committee are organising a child safety training event for childcare service providers at the Menlo Park Hotel on Tuesday August 11 at 7pm.

People attending the “Beep Beep Day” will receive a road safety pack which will include a child safety DVD as well as posters, booklets and stickers and a Safe Cross Code CD.

A spokesperson for the committee says local childcare providers are encouraged to organise child safety days at their premises.

“There they can distribute road safety leaflets to children and parents, sing the Safe Cross Code with the children and show them road safety posters.”

The training initiative aims to raise awareness about child safety on the roads, explains Mary Giblin, co-ordinator of the Galway City and County Childcare Committee.

“This training event is an excellent opportunity to be fully updated with regard to child road safety and all childcare providers in Galway are encouraged to attend the event.”

The evening is open to all childcare providers in the city and county. For further information telephone (091 ) 752039 or email [email protected]

The role of Galway City and County Childcare Committee is to co-ordinate, support and assist the development of quality childcare services in Galway. Log onto for further information.


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