Information guide for school leavers and parents

With the Leaving results in hand and CAO offers before you, it looks like you are about to leave home and head off to college for the first time. But what about issues like finding the right accommodation, how much a year at college costs, how to budget, keep healthy and safe, how to fit in to the new college environment, and who can help you if you need it. It is a lot to consider.

All of these questions were kept in mind when Roscommon Youth Information Centre researched and updated the national student publication Flying the Coop, a guide for students leaving home and going to college. There are 68 pages packed full of information and tips for new third level students and their parents.

Every August, thousands of students and anxious parents search for student accommodation, and the task can be quite daunting. Flying the Coop gives you an idea of how much it can cost, where to start, who can help you, what types of accommodation there are, and what you should remember when viewing.

Flying the Coop does not stop there, finding accommodation is just the start of the transition process. What are your tenants rights later on in the year if you have difficulties? How much does going to college cost, and how should you budget?

Have you insured your personal belongings? And are you certain that you can stay healthy and safe when away from home? Flying the Coop covers these issues, with plenty more suggestions in the adjusting to college section.

If you want to know who to contact about different challenges and problems throughout the college year, Flying the Coop contains a useful contacts section, including websites. At the end of the book, you will find a table of all colleges, and the names and phone numbers of some of the staff you may need to talk to.

Flying the Coop is updated and published every year, complete with contributions from a number of frontline experts including college students who have been there; Threshold, MABS, USI, College Accommodation, Access, and student Service and Student Union Officers, to name but a few. If you end up with a story to tell, you can also contribute to next year’s edition just as last year’s students have done in this year’s edition.

Your years at college will be some of the most memorable of your life, and your experiences invaluable. The tips provided in Flying the Coop are there to start you off on the best footing.

Flying the Coop is distributed nationally and can be obtained from your nearest Youth Information Centre for a nominal cost of 50 cent. For a list of information centres, see Golden Pages or check the list at otherwise contact Roscommon Youth Information Centre, Castle St, Roscommon, 090 6625395. If you can’t call in, a copy can be sent to you for €1.50 in total (booklet and p&p )


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