Students participate in the Big Beach Clean at Grattan Beach

Third class pupils and teachers of Claddagh NS pictured after they took part in the Big Beach Clean at Grattan Beach last Friday morning, with Uisce Éireann's Mark Higgins.  Picture credits: Patrick Cross (Clean Coasts)

Third class pupils and teachers of Claddagh NS pictured after they took part in the Big Beach Clean at Grattan Beach last Friday morning, with Uisce Éireann's Mark Higgins. Picture credits: Patrick Cross (Clean Coasts)

Third class pupils from Claddagh National School took part in morning beach clean at Grattan Beach.

The clean-up was organised as part of Big Beach Clean 24 by Clean Coasts. Around 40 pupils scattered across Grattan Beach to bag litter and record their findings. They then went rock-pooling after the clean-up.

Third class teacher at Claddagh NS Liz Cullinan said, “It’s about developing an empathy towards the environment and the things that we need to survive.

“The children understand that this is their environment, and we have to respect their environment. We can have a lovely time here but we have to be responsible, to leave nothing behind and take all our rubbish home with us.”

The event was coordinated by Ollie O’Flaherty (Clean Coasts Development Officer ) and Patrick Cross (Clean Coasts Campaigns Officer ) in partnership with Uisce Éireann. Representatives from Galway City Council also showed support and highlighted the Think Before You Flush initiative.

Think Before You Flush is an awareness campaign that highlights the damage certain items such as wet wipes and cotton buds can cause to wastewater networks and our marine environment if flushed down the toilet. The pupils located many of these items during their beach clean.

Uisce Éireann’s Head of Wastewater Operations, Nuala Woods added, “We are delighted to continue our partnership with Clean Coasts to protect our environment and shine a light on the link between what you flush down the toilet and can end up at your local river or beach. We hope the pupils of Claddagh NS enjoyed their morning on the beach.”


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