Campus Development Control Plan for UHG scheduled for October – Kyne

Sen Sean Kyne.

Sen Sean Kyne.

The proposed plan for the development of the University Hospital Galway Campus which had been due to be completed in the summer is now due in October, according to Senator Seán Kyne.

The Regional Executive Officer for the HSE West and North West Tony Canavan confirmed the latest news to Senator Kyne, who is a member of the Joint Oireachtas Health Committee.

The development plan for UHG is looking at the different critical projects scheduled for the UHG campus including the Emergency Department, Maternity and Paediatric services in the same building, new Laboratories, a Regional Cancer Centre, underground parking and ward block.

The plan will determine the connectivity between all projects and the order in which the projects should be developed. Once published and agreed then this will allow projects to proceed to planning and secure funding necessary for construction.

The CEO of the HSE Bernard Gloster, before the Oireachtas Health committee on questioning from Seán Kyne (March 24, 2023 ) said, "Galway is further behind the curve than everybody else in a lot of its acute hospital infrastructure development by virtue of the fact the debate was too long. While I am not criticising anybody for it, the debate was too long as to whether it was to be Merlin Park or the City (University Hospital Galway ).”

The redevelopment of UHG is vital for staff and patients and this plan, though delayed is crucial to progress critical infrastructure.

The redevelopment will complement the new Saolta Radiation Oncology Centre opened last November, concluded Senator Kyne


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