Ahmadiyya Muslim community hosts 22nd Annual Convention in Galway

Eamon O Cuiv addressing the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Convention.

Eamon O Cuiv addressing the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Convention.

The 22nd annual all-Ireland convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, known as Jalsa Salana, was held on August 24-25 at the Clayton Hotel, Galway. Ahmadi Muslims from across Ireland gathered to gain spiritual nourishment and strengthen their sense of community.

The convention began on Saturday morning with a flag-hoisting ceremony, where the community’s flag was raised alongside the Irish Tricolour and the flags of the four provinces by Dr. Muhammad Anwar Malik, President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association in Ireland, and Imam Ibrahim Michael Noonan of Maryam Mosque, Galway.

Throughout the two-day event, attendees were inspired by engaging addresses that emphasized the essence of being a Muslim and reaffirming their commitment to a peaceful world. Annual educational awards were also presented to members who excelled in their studies and professional fields, underscoring the importance of education.

The event featured notable dignitaries, including Paula Hillman, Assistant Commissioner for An Garda Síochána, Éamon Ó Cuív, TD for Galway West, and Níall McNelis, Deputy Mayor of Galway.

TD Éamon Ó Cuív, a long-time friend of the community, said he saluted the charitable work that you do as a community…

"If we follow your route, the world will be a much better place," he said.

Deputy Mayor Níall McNelis said that he was especially moved by the motto that lies at the heart of this gathering, ‘Love for All, Hatred for None.’”

The Community has raised over €95,000 for local charities in recent years. The event concluded with an address and silent prayers led by Dr. Malik.


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