New surgery procedure on local journalist is a world first for Galway

Professor Sharif Sultan

Professor Sharif Sultan

A landmark operation, the first of its type worldwide, spearheaded by Professor Sharif Sultan, a renowned master of vascular and endovascular surgery at the Galway Clinic has revolutionised the management of renal artery interventions and aneurysms.

A renal artery aneurysm is a bulge or weakened area in the wall of a main artery to the kidney and if it bursts it can be fatal.

But a ground-breaking new medical procedure performed recently at the Galway Clinic/Blackrock Health Group now pioneers Advanced Renal Aneurysm Surgery with C Guard Flow Modulator.

Professor Sultan and his team repaired a complex saccular aneurysm of the renal artery, involving three branches, using advanced flow modulation technology. The C Guard stent, featuring an ultrasound titanium layer, streamlines blood flow and effectively treats aneurysms without the need for open surgery. This minimally invasive technique allows patients to return home immediately after surgery, revolutionizing renal artery interventions.

Professor Sultan’s innovative application of this technology, originally used for treating carotid artery strokes, to the renal artery exemplifies a significant leap in translational medicine.

The first patient to benefit from this procedure is veteran journalist and broadcaster Tom Gilmore (72 ) who had been suffering from severe abdominal pain and intermittent incapacitating renal pain. If a renal artery aneurysm of over 3 cm ruptures it can be fatal.

“Diagnosed with a 4 cm renal artery aneurysm involving four branches, Mr. Gilmore faced a high risk of rupture. Traditionally, the only surgical option would have involved auto-transplanting the kidney to the pelvis and reconstructing the vessels,” says Professor Sultan.

Due to the patient having various other medical issues the conventional surgery option would have been more difficult and dangerous.But the cutting-edge approach employed by Professor Sultan and his team provided a much-needed alternative, executed with precision and elegance.

“As a result, Mr Gilmore has experienced a remarkable recovery, showcasing the potential of this advanced technology,” added Professor Sultan.

The patient praised the professionalism and innovation of Professor Sultan and his team at the Galway Clinic in being the first in the world to pioneer this new less invasive surgical procedure.

The Galway Clinic/Blackrock Health Group, in affiliation with the National University of Ireland and the Royal College of Surgeons, has also issued a statement which hails the successful management of a mega renal aneurysm using the state-of-the-art C Guard flow modulator as a world-wide first.

A spokesperson for The Galway Clinic/Blackrock Health Group stated that it remains at the forefront of medical innovation, offering patients access to the most advanced technologies available worldwide. It added that this pioneering surgery marks a significant milestone in the field of vascular surgery and underscores the Clinic’s commitment to excellence in patient care.

Photo. Professor Sharif Sultan who has pioneered a revolutionary new surgical procedure for treating renal aneurysms at the Galway Clinic which is a first world-wide.


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