Traders welcome plans but are worried about consultation

Traders at the 400 year-old St Nicholas’s market in Galway are cautiously optimistic that the City Council is looking at long-overdue investment, but are worried that they will be not be consulted about the plans.

While all eyes were on the recent elections, City Hall quietly sent a letter to traders saying they plan to draw up a blueprint to redevelop the Lombard Street, Churchyard Lane and Church Street areas.

While this is welcomed, there is some concern that the local authority may present a fait accompli, without prior and proper consultation.

Traders say any plan must, at the least, include new street surfacing, new public lighting, electrical connections for essential retail equipment, a clean water supply, and toilet facilities.

In April, then Mayor of Galway Eddie Hoare visited to see the problems for himself and hear about the five-point plan from organic farmer and long-time market trader Cáit Curran.

“It’s thought that this has prompted City Hall to bring some energy and urgency to the problem.However, traders are adamant another winter cannot go by without action being taken on loose cobbles, raging torrents of rainwater, and basic facilities for shoppers and traders alike.

“”We have warned before that without the basics, the iconic St Nicholas’s market will lose its lustre,” says Ms Curran.

“It’s vital that Galway City Council gives everyone concerned their say, so broad support can be got from all for a plan that pleases everyone.”


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