Group calls on voters to ‘think pro-life’ before they vote

The Pro Life Campaign is calling on voters to ‘think pro-life’ before they vote in the upcoming local and European elections. The PLC is publishing a ‘Voter Guide’ on its website, outlining the stances of candidates and parties on the right-to-life issue.

Commenting on the ‘Voter Guide’ that the PLC releases before each election, Eilís Mulroy of the Pro Life Campaign said voters are entitled to know where candidates stand on this really important issue.

“We put a lot of effort into ensuring what we publish is a fair and accurate account of where candidates and parties stand.

“With the massive increase in abortions that has happened since the law changed in 2019, we need more pro-life representatives elected at every level to push for the focus to shift from promoting abortion to working to reduce the abortion rate,” she said.

“A very sizeable chunk of the electorate are pro-life but their views and concerns are not adequately represented by those in public office at present. This needs to change and the way to change it is for people to make a conscious decision to vote pro-life at election time. Senior members of government promised voters before the last abortion referendum that abortion would be “rare” in Ireland if the people support the repeal of the Eighth Amendment. Tragically, we have seen over the past five years how these reassurances turned out to be totally false and misleading,” added Ms Mulroy.

“Based on recent answers to parliamentary questions regarding reimbursements made to abortion providers in 2023, it looks like the soon to be released abortion figures for that single year will exceed 10,000, representing a massive increase in abortions year on year since the new law took effect. The political decisions made over the next five years on the issue will have profound consequences, for example, whether the focus shifts away from the present government policy of effectively promoting abortion to a situation where basic information about alternatives is made available to women as a matter of course before an abortion takes place. It’s critically important, therefore, that voters ‘think pro-life’ before they vote in the upcoming elections,” she concluded.

The Pro Life Campaign ‘Voter Guide’ is available to view in advance of Election Day at


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