Choosing your Confirmation name

The sacrament of Confirmation is a massive step in the journey of a Catholic. It is the sacrament in which you renew your commitment to your faith. Before you get confirmed, you will need to choose a Confirmation name. But what is in a name, and how do you go about choosing one? It is a name that will be associated with you and your faith for the rest of your life. That being said, the process of choosing a name is a fun and fulfilling one, that brings you closer to the saints and to your faith.

When selecting the right confirmation name for you, there are some important factors to consider. Try to choose a name that is also the name of a saint that will guide you on your spiritual journey. Research the lives of saints and and choose the name of a saint whose life you find interesting or admire. You can also choose the name of a role model or somebody that is important to you.

Choose the name of a role model or somebody close to you

You can choose to be named after a saint, or somebody that is important to you. Maybe you have a parent, sibling, or family member you look up to who is named after a saint. Choosing somebody's baptismal name is a hugely meaningful gesture that shows your gratitude and appreciation for their presence in your life.

Take a saint's name based on their patronage

For every talent, occupation, illness, or activity that you can think of, there is a saint that we associate with it. Sites like CatholicSaints allow you to browse through different saints to find a topic that you relate to. There are often multiple saints associated with a certain topic, so pick something you like and then pick from the saints associated with that topic.

Select a saint's name based on their life

People don't become saints for nothing, every saint has, in some way, led an extraordinarily spiritual life. A great way to select a confirmation saint is to read about their lives and choose a saint whose lived a life you admire. You might pick someone who lived a life you feel was similar to yours, or who overcame great odds and inspires you. The website has bibliographies detailing the lives of many saints.

Discuss your selection with your family

While the decision is ultimately yours, your family may have some advice or recommendations. Discuss what it is about this person that has attracted you to their name. Do not hesitate to talk to your family or your friends as they could provide suggestions or a different perspective to your choosing of a confirmation name.


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