Thérapie Fertility makes dreams come true with Galway clinic

A Thérapie Fertility clinic reception.

A Thérapie Fertility clinic reception.

Driven by a mission to deliver accessible and affordable fertility care for all, Thérapie Fertility marks a new age of accessible and affordable reproductive services for patients in the west.

Described as the most affordable fertility clinic in Ireland, Thérapie Fertility has been committed to 'changing the face of fertility care' since opening its flagship clinic in Carrickmines, south Dublin in 2021. Offering a range of services from In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF ), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI ) and egg freezing, Thérapie Fertility is on hand to aid and empower those who want to take control of their reproductive destiny.

Fertility rates declining nationally

Defined as an 'inability for a couple to achieve a pregnancy after one year of regular unprotected sexual intercourse', infertility is rapidly becoming one of the 'biggest global health problems in the 21st century'. With one in six of the worldwide adult population struggling with infertility, the need for fertility care to aid conception or preserve fertility has never been greater.

Later in life parenthood

With Ireland's declining fertility rates being linked to 'postponed parenthood, the cost of living and education and the workforce', research conducted by the World Health Organisation (WHO ) breaks down the issues into three points; age, viability and cost.

At 32 years old, the median age of a first time mother is currently the highest in record, reflecting the theory that millennials are 'seeking parenthood much later in life'. This factor coupled with the fact that 95 per cent of egg reserve is gone by the time a woman turns 35, can make the process of conceiving traditionally significantly more complex.

Thankfully, thanks to the miracle of modern medicine and accessible clinics like Thérapie Fertility, the journey to having a baby is one that comes with many paths and options, allowing you to take control of your fertility.

Learning about your ovarian reserve

Acting as a 'snapshot of a woman's reproductive health', an Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH ) test is an invaluable tool when assessing ovarian reserve. Obtained through a sample of blood, the level of AMH in a woman's body corresponds to her ovarian reserve, but it cannot indicate the quality of the eggs.

AMH testing is an invaluable tool when it comes to determining your reproductive future, especially if the results show that you egg reserve is low and you have less fertile time than you previously thought. However, it is only one piece of the puzzle and a low AMH is not necessarily bad news in isolation. It should simply be a trigger for further investigation.

Egg freezing - taking control of your future

For many motherhood is a far away dream, a decision that clashes with career succession, studying, travelling and just generally enjoying your youth - but what if you could keep your fertility levels at their best, allowing you to achieve those dreams and aspirations?

While egg freezing is not an 'insurance policy' in the strictest sense, it preserves the best possible chances of starting a family in the years ahead.

How it works

The process of egg freezing is broken down into two stages; 'ovarian stimulation and monitoring' and 'egg retrieval and freezing'.

Ovarian stimulation and monitoring

Under the watchful eye of the expert team at Thérapie Fertility, the patient is given fertility medications to stimulate the ovaries and produce multiple follicles. Follicles are the small fluid filled structures within the ovaries, each of which will hopefully contain an egg.

These follicles are measured through trans-vaginal ultrasound scans, the purpose of which is to indicate how many follicles and eggs may develop. The number of eggs varies for each patient. The final preparation for egg retrieval comes in the form of a hormone injection which mimics the natural triggering of ovulation. The egg retrieval takes place 36 hours after this hormone injection.

Egg retrieval and freezing

Egg retrieval is a minor procedure, which is carried out in the clinic under sedation. While the patient is sedated, Thérapie Fertility's expert team use a trans-vaginal ultrasound probe which has been fitted with a needle to pass through the vaginal wall and into the ovaries and follicles. Using the needle, the ovarian fluid in each follicle is collected, and is later examined in the IVF laboratory by an embryologist who checks for the presence of an egg.

After identification, the patient's eggs are then vitrified (fast frozen ) and stored in liquid nitrogen tanks which are kept at a very low temperature, and that is where they will stay until needed.

Egg freezing with Thérapie Fertility is currently priced at €2,295 or €1,995 for a subsequent cycle. Book your free consultation today by reaching out to the team by calling 01 223 8933, emailing, or online at Conception via fertility treatments

While undergoing fertility treatments can be an overwhelming process, you can be secure in the knowledge that you are in safe hands with Thérapie Fertility.

IVF is a method of 'conception where eggs are retrieved and then fertilised with sperm outside of the body', and is a procedure specifically recommended for those with absent, blocked or damaged fallopian tubes, and in cases where there is persistent unexplained infertility.

The process of retrieving eggs to use in IVF is the same as egg freezing, but instead of storing the genetic material for a later date, the egg is fertilised with sperm by an embryologist in a laboratory, becoming an embryo. Typically, a successful egg retrieval and fertilisation processes will result in a number of embryos, with the best being inserted transferred into the womb and the others frozen for future use.

The first successful IVF baby was born in Oldham, Lancashire, England in 1978, and in the decades since millions of babies across the world have been born from fertility treatments like IVF.

Alongside IVF, Thérapie Fertility clinics also offer Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI ) and Intrauterine insemination (IUI ).

Success rates

Since 2021, Thérapie Fertility have been assisting hopeful parents in conceiving their beloved babies, with the clinics success rates of both fresh embryo transfers and frozen embryo transfers meeting and exceeding the number of successful averages released by fertility treatment regulator, the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority's (HFEA ).

For patients over 40, a fresh embryo transfer at Thérapie Fertility was 25.8 per cent versus the HFEA average of 17 per cent. The average success rate for frozen embryos for the same age group provided similar results, with a whopping 11.8 per cent increase for Thérapie Fertility patients with 35.8 per cent success rate versus the HFEA average of 24 per cent.

The largest margin of difference was in the frozen embryo transfer success rates for patients aged 35 to 37, with a 65 per cent success rate in Thérapie Fertility clinics versus the HFEA average of just 37 per cent.

What does it cost

While it is undeniable that IVF does come at a cost, it is at its core an investment in your family and your future.

Last year, the HSE introduced publicly funded fertility treatment services including IVF and ICSI for those who meet the access criteria. For eligible participants, this funding covers one round of IVF treatment, including a fresh cycle and as many frozen cycles with the frozen embryos (if you have them ) as are needed to conceive.

In keeping with its mission to keep reproductive care as affordable and as accessible as possible, Thérapie Fertility offers all inclusive fertility packages which come with a 'no hidden costs' guarantee. Currently offering a complete IVF package for €4,495, and ICSI for €4,795, you can choose to pay up front or in monthly instalments.

Make your dreams of being a parent come true

To learn more about Thérapie Fertility's services and procedures, or to book a free consultation, visit Alternatively you can speak to a member of the team by calling 01 223 8933 or by emailing

Hear about real people's fertility journeys by listening to the Thérapie Fertility podcast, 'Fertility Talks', available on


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