Treat your feet at Coisceim Foot Clinic Barna

Coisceim Foot Clinic Barna, has been serving the local community for the last 16 years. They are experts in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of the feet and deal with all kinds of foot issues, including: verrucae, fungal skin and nails, corns, calluses, nail reconstruction and diabetic care etc.

Coisceim is delighted to welcome their newest staff member, Lynda Kyne, BSc Pod. Med & MChSI. Lynda is a native to nearby Inverin and is a fluent Irish speaker. The are also very proud to be the 2023 sponsor of the Barna Intermediate Ladies Team.

They currently offer two new, innovative treatments: nail reconstruction and Swift verrucae treatment:

Toenail reconstruction is the restoration of a damaged nail for cosmetic purposes. It involves the application of layers of an anti-mycotic gel to the damaged nail/portion of the nail bed which is then cured by UV light.

Many people can benefit from toenail reconstruction including those with; fungal, thick, discoloured or cracked nails, reduced nails following trauma etc

Swift is a new technology, which treats verrucae. It uses microwave energy to treat the affected tissue. Verrucae are caused by a virus called HPV, which can hide from your body's immune system, making it very difficult for your body to detect and treat. This means that lesions can be very persistent and can spread easily. Swift uses microwaves to alert the body to the HPV virus and allows your body to heal itself. This is much more effective than older, topical treatments, with a success rate of over 80% in clinical trials.

Diabetes foot screening continues to be a cornerstone of podiatry treatment. We use the most up to date National Diabetic Foot Screening model in-clinic.


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