Moth and Butterfly present A Night of Storytelling & Improvisation at Rouge

Moth and Butterfly present A Night of Storytelling & Improvisation at Rouge.

Moth and Butterfly present A Night of Storytelling & Improvisation at Rouge.

"This show was the highlight of our visit to Ireland" - Maura

Moth & Butterfly was founded by storyteller, writer and performer Órla Mc Govern. She, and the crew, were inspired by the transformative nature of improvisation.

Moth & Butterfly present a night of storytelling and improvisation featuring some of Ireland's finest storytellers, at Rouge on Dominic St, on Wednesday April 19 at 7pm. Take advantage of the delicious selection of platters and snacks Rouge has to offer while you're finessing your story!

Performers on the night will include the Moth & Butterfly Crew and special guests. Audience tellers will be picked out of a hat. Stories can be true or fictional, and all stories need to be less than 10 minutes. The theme is 'Over The Hill'.

As events often sell out, try and book your ticket in advance.

There'll be three types of storytelling on the night.

'Moth' style stories are short, true, thematic, and feature the teller themselves as the central character. It can be funny of course, but it doesn't have to be. Think of it as a story that changed you in some way - however small.

Improvised stories are to be created on the spot. 'Stories From The Hat' are where the audience picks an object for the story, and 'Found In Translation' stories see the tellers improvise and translate bilingually.

Free-fall style stories are all other kinds that still fit the theme – a true story about someone, a piece of fiction, a folk tale, a tall tale.

Tickets are available on


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