Galway Film Fleadh seeks entries for pitching awards

THE 21ST Galway Film Fleadh will take place from Tuesday July 7 to Sunday July 12 and aspiring film makers are being encouraged to enter the fleadh’s Pitching Award.

The Pitching Award is an opportunuity for all aspiring filmmakers to experience making a pitch to a panel of judges. The overall winner will receive €3,000 to enable him/her to further develop scripts and film making skills.

Applicants must submit four copies of a one page (500 word ) story idea for screen (any applications longer than specified will not be accepted ). All copies must be submitted blind, ie, name must not appear on story pages.

Entries will be read by a designated panel and the five best will be selected to be pitched by the writer in front of an audience at the Galway Film Fleadh on Sunday July 12. A panel of judges will select the winner and the award will be presented that evening during the awards ceremony.

The deadline for submissions is June 19. Entries must be sent to The Pitching Award, Galway Film Fleadh, Cluain Mhuire, Monivea Road, Galway, Ireland.


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