Plop drop at Ardrahan fair

As part of a drive to raise funds for the redevelopment of Ballyglass National School, Ardrahan GAA will host a family fun day on Saturday June 20 . A wide range of events will take place including the main attraction, a €2,000 ‘plop-drop’.

The ‘plop drop’ will involve tickets being sold that entitle you to a specified square metre of ground. Past pupil, and jockey Paddy Brennan will then lead a horse around the course until the animal ‘does his business’, if he does it on your square metre you win €2,000. Tickets for the plop drop will be €20.

Also on the day there will be a fun dog show, including classes for the dog with the waggiest tail and the cutest puppy, as well as the more traditional classes. A range of novelty events and attractions will include a 30 foot fun slide, a wrecking ball game, and bouncy castle.

There will be a wide range of food and craft stalls on offer including Linalla ice cream, Irish Cottage candles, Just Devine fine foods, and Clare Craft Group, as well as other vendors selling home produced products. A tuck shop, cake shop and chip van will also be in place.

Local businesses have sponsored prizes for a wheel of fortune, and in addition to the grand €2,000 prize there will be spot prizes throughout the day. The event will run from 11am to 4pm with admission and parking free.


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