Pain Management at the Crane Clinic

Acupuncture, which originated in China, is proven to bea very effective therapy for pain relief and is now usedin many progressive hospitals in the USA, UK, Israel,and Australia.

Specialised pain clinics also includeacupuncture as part of their medical treatment protocol. Acupuncture needles used along the area of paininduce an electrical response and promote energyflow to the area of pain, moving stagnant blood and promoting oxygen flow to the tissue to alleviate pain.

It also down-regulates the pain signals going to the brain.Practitioners at the Crane Clinic identify areas ofpain by connecting with the pulses as they scan the body. Identifying the area of pain validates the patient's concern as often X-rays and MRIs do not indicate any abnormality. This can be an enormous relief for theperson as they feel validated about the pain they are experiencing. Unique and progressive therapies along withacupuncture are used to achieve relief of pain such aslaser therapy, PEMF, and Ondamed therapy.

CraneClinic also uses electro-acupuncture where electrodesare attached to the needles and stimulated with anelectric current, resulting in pain relief. Patients report immense benefits from the traditionalart of cupping to relieve muscle pain and spasm, chronic back pain, shoulder, hip pain, and fibromyalgia.

Both acupuncture and laser therapy address trauma and shock associated with an injury or event bymodulating the body's stress response and memories ofthe accident. Addressing any traumatic memories associated with an injury helpsreduce the pain response.

Science now indicates the relationship betweeninflammation, gut health, and painful inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, migraine, fibromyalgia, andneuromuscular pain.

The clinic's nutritionist addressesthis through a thorough investigative consultation andindividual plan to reduce inflammation.For more information contact Áine Delaney, SRN,at the Crane Clinic - Telephone (091 ) 525870 or (087 )7965070 or email [email protected]


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