Buff your body

The newly launched Mama Mio Body Buff is being hailed as a perfect preparation for a glorious self-tan.

A favourite of celebrities such as Christina Aguilera and Victoria Beckham, the makers say it is a great alternative to aggressive salt scrubs.

It combines a gentle blend of sweet almond oil, chamomile and vitamin E with micro-ground pumice to remove dead skin cells and encourage cell renewal.

* The Mama Mia Body Puff is available from Barna Pharmacy, telephone (091 ) 590749 or e-mail barnapharmacy@eircom.net and Athenry Chemist’s, Old Church Street, Athenry. Telephone (091 ) 845670 or e-mail athenrypharmacy7@iolfree.ie For nationwide stockists telephone (01 ) 4610645 or to buy online log onto www.salonskincare.co.uk


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