Lose up to two stone in ten weeks

The three keys to a genuine weight loss (real fat loss ) plan are diet, exercise, and metabolism correction. All three keys interconnect – one will not work without the other. Your metabolism is the most powerful of the three keys – it is the ‘switch’ that controls everything else. In most people this switch is off. Metabolism problems such as slow thyroid, type 2 diabetes, sluggish liver, hormone imbalances, PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, and digestive problems like constipation, IBS, and diverticulitis will limit or stop your weight loss, no matter how much dieting or exercise you do.

System 10 scientifically combines food and exercise to fix your metabolism for amazing weight loss and toning. You also get great energy, better sleep, and other health benefits – all connected to metabolism problems.

This is a total plan of normal food, exercise, superb information, and motivation.

System 10 plan key features

· A metabolism analysis to identify the weak areas within your system.

· Seven-day food plans that tell you exactly what to have for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, all nutritionally balanced and portion specific to each individual. This puts routine and structure back into your daily meals.

· The plans use normal everyday foods. Eating well has never been so easy. System 10 shows you that weight loss does not mean being hungry.

· You get treat calories every day, and a weekly alcohol allowance.

· Simple weekly exercise covering cardio and toning.

· Private one-to-one weekly consultation which is instrumental to your success; System 10 sets your goals and shows you how to achieve them working with your lifestyle.

· There is also a choice of a 10 week or six week in-clinic one-to-one programme.

Contact Grace on 087 1727882 for all information and starting dates. Clinics are in Oranmore and Salthill.

Some recent feedback

"Completed a six week programme with Grace, lost 18lbs, feel great, sleep better, lost the weight from the areas I needed to lose from. The extra support Grace builds in is fantastic, keeps you on track, and always on hand to deal with any queries. First time to do a one-to-one programme, would highly recommend it." - Marie.


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