MISE - new gallery and design boutique opens in Barna

MISE IS the new art space and design boutique which recently opened in Barna and it will have its official launch tomorrow at 7pm.

MISE is currently hosting Utopia, an exhibition by Carolyn Walsh. Her use of photography, pattern design, and colour to produce layered images, has resulted in a series of vibrant works on canvas.

The gallery plans to host regular exhibitions into the future and as well as exhibitions, MISE will also have a design boutique, and stock art supplies. The sale of art books and art classes are planned for the future.

The design boutique has jewellery by Alan Ardiff, Uccelli, Nicole Barth, Oyoko, Mirabelle and Et le Bijou; ceramics by Stephen Farnan, Shelly Pots, and Aylet Lawlor. Many of the artists will work with customers to create pieces that meet their particular needs.

Also stocked is Fabriano paper, Bockingford sketchbooks, and Derwent and Royal Talen products. Easels and canvas are also available at the gallery, and special orders can be home delivered.

The gallery is run by artist Rona O’Reilly, who studied sculpture for her degree before completing her master’s in art critical theory.


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