Trevi Fountain the holiday attraction with the best luck, survey shows


The Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy stands as the most popular location to visit for good fortune this year with a popularity score of 9.5 out of 10 - 90% higher than the average of 5 out of 10.

Ranking highest for number of TripAdvisor reviews (102,194 ) and second highest for Instagram hashtags (572,969 ), this fountain, completed in 1762, is both picturesque and a delight to visit. Those looking for good fortune should stand with their back to the fountain and toss a coin over their left shoulder to guarantee both luck and a return trip to Rome in the future.

An index was created based on three variables, including global monthly search volume averages, number of Instagram hashtags and number of TripAdvisor reviews. Through combining these variables an average popularity score out of 10 was established for each of the 30 analysed locations, revealing the top 10 most popular destinations.

The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey ranks as the second most popular location to visit for luck, boasting a popularity score of 9.3 out of 10 with the second highest monthly search volume average (293,000 ). Located in the Hagia Sophia is a bronze hole on the ‘sweating column’ which, if visitors touch with their thumb at a 360 degree angle, is believed to make any wish come true.

Ranking third is Hoover Dam in Nevada, United States with a popularity score of 9.2 out 10 , boasting the highest global monthly search volume average of 305,000 searches. People travel far and wide to rub the feet of the Winged Figures of the Republic statue which are known to bring good luck.

Following closely behind among the most popular locations to visit for good fortune this year are Charles Bridge (9 ), Blarney Castle (7.5 ) and Fushimi Inari-taisha (7.1 ) respectively ranking fourth, fifth and sixth.


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