New course on colour at Aine's Art Studio

"The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love colour the most" - John Ruskin.

We all know that art and craft courses are a great way of developing children's appreciation for the world around them, as well as for refining their problem solving and motor skills.

Now artist Aine Doherty is introducing a course for children which focuses primarily on colour through painting.

"I find that art and craft encompasses such a vast range of skillsets that sometimes we don't get the chance to fully develop our talents in any one specific area," she said.

"These classes provide children with the time to hone in on this very important and fundamental element of art, colour.

"I teach painting in the same way as music is taught. We learn from doing. In music class we train our ear to listen for the nuances in a song, we learn to develop our instincts to be able to distinguish the sound of different notes, harmonies, the different feelings we get from major or minor cords.

"The subtleties of colour work in much the same way. Colour has a language all its own, and through painting children acquire the confidence to trust their instincts and develop a deep insight into how colour works, without having to consciously learn colour theory.

"Children really enjoy this process and find the classes relaxing. I'm always amazed at the beautiful work they produce, but what's more important is nurturing a love for painting and to see the children discover beauty in the everyday."


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