Wheelchair-accessible toilet burnt out in Merlin Woods

Independent Councillor Terry O’Flaherty has condemned as ‘mindless and cruel thuggery’ the burning of a wheelchair-accessible toilet recently installed at Merlin Woods.

“This toilet was only installed for three weeks when it was burnt to cinders in an act of wanton vandalism,” she says.

“That has cost the ratepayer more than €1,100 as the City Council has had to pay the full cost of the portable toilet.

“But, worse, it has deprived hundreds of people of a facility that has been badly needed in the area.”

Cllr O’Flaherty pointed out that the wheelchair-accessible toilet was installed to serve the needs of the people working in the Merlin allotments, community garden users, the men’s shed group, playground users, users of the pitches and sports facility, in addition to the walkers and all others who use this facility.

Instrumental in securing €5,000 from the 2021 budget towards the installation of the portable toilet, Cllr O’Flaherty is disappointed about what has happened.

“Originally the toilet was to be located in the allotments,” she adds. “However, the committee had agreed that it would facilitate the wider community, by locating the toilet on a trial basis close to all facilities in the area.

“I just cannot understand how somebody can get a kick out of such mindless and cruel thuggery — and remember, this toilet also offered a much-needed option for people with disabilities.

“There are so many good people involved in organising sports and community activities in the Merlin-Doughiska area and it’s grossly unfair that their good work in trying to build ip a sense of community should be damaged by this kind of attack.

She concluded: “Regretfully, due to this thuggish behaviour other areas will have to be explored before another toilet can be installed in the Merlin Woods.”


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