The ring road is not a problem, it is a major solution

“The ring road will not be a ‘stand alone’ solution, and will allow for bus and cycle lanes, with most traffic removed from major routes within the city”

An Bord Pleanala giving the ‘go-ahead for the N6 Galway City Ring Road is a positive decision and a major step forward for Galway.

I have been a constant and firm advocate for the N6GCRR, and have fully supported the project since design company, ARUP, restarted the process in 2012. Indeed, ARUP is to be highly commended for its superb level of diligence, and work ethics, portrayed throughout the process.

Business groups and Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil politicians are firmly behind the project, with supporters highlighting the need to plan for the city’s projected population increase of 50,000 by 2040.

With the ring road now set to become a reality, Galway will be in a prime position to:

1. Support the economic growth of Galway and the West Region by improving connectivity to the Gateway of Galway.

2. Enable other public projects to be realised and facilitate the effective implementation of the Galway Transport Strategy.

3. Support a shift towards environmentally friendly transport modes, to bring about a sustainable transport and mobility system in Galway and its environs.


Independent Galway City East councillor, Noel Larkin.

4. Improve accessibility to Gaeltacht areas and improve connectivity to the tourist attractions of the West Region and Connemara.

5. Reduce road traffic collisions by providing safer urban streets through segregation of the interface of by-passable traffic from urban traffic.

6. Reduce journey times and improve journey time reliability by removing ‘bottlenecks’.

7. Provide an essential link in the European Transport Infrastructure (TEN-T ) comprehensive transport network which will connect the west of Ireland to the single European market.



The prospect of building a bypass for Galway city has been discussed for more than two decades and has not been without its controversies.

While this announcement is a major step forward for Galway, I am conscious of the impact it will have on some property owners along the route. The Galway city and county councils will continue to engage as constructively as possible with each and every land and property owner affected.

Green councillor Niall Murphy said the N6GCRR might not pass the climate impact assessments called for in the Galway Development Plan – this being a necessary step for funding. However, Minister Hildegarde Naughton has stated that the N6GCRR is in the National Development Plan as agreed by the three parties in Government - FG, FF, and the Greens - and therefore there is a commitment to funding it.


Cllr Murphy is also concerned that the Ring Road “will encourage more housing far west of the city” and that “all these homes will be car dependent”.

We know the Ring Road is not going to be a ‘stand alone’ solution. Taken in its entirety the city transport strategy, will allow the introduction of bus and cycle lanes, when most traffic will be removed from the major routes within the city.

Opening up more land for housing which will be serviced by new bus corridors is a major plus for hard pressed young couples that are struggling to get into the housing market.

Environmental impact


People Before Profit has stated that the N6GCRR approval “is an appalling decision that is at odds with the reality of the climate and biodiversity crisis”. In reply I say it is currently an appalling decision leaving commuters stuck in their cars for hours on congested roads within Galway city - that is the present reality.

Within five years, 50 per cent of vehicles on our roads will be non-fossil fuelled. By 2030 petrol and diesel cars will have disappeared, replaced by more environmentally friendly methods. This process has already begun, and the public in general are buying into it.

The solution is now finally here. It is time for ALL, to get together to improve and enhance the quality of life for all Galway city and county dwellers and commuters.

Noel Larkin is an Independent councillor for Galway City East and a former Mayor of Galway city.


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